European Kickboxing Championships Day 2

SportsnutIrish is spending day 2 in Slovenia in the Barada centre following the Irish Kickboxing team as they prepare for their European championships which begin tomorrow, 18/11.  Tensions are mounting as the squad are on tenterhooks as they wait the draw parings which will be known later today, which sportsnut-irish will show on this blog as soon as it is known.

I have to say that I am very impressed with the intensity of training.  Venues in this city are limited, so training times are allocated in one hour blocks.  The Irish team have been allocated the Barada Centre, home of the legendary local hero Tomas Barada who was instrumental in bringing the championships to Maribor.  In training, no time is wasted, everything  is fight specific, and focussed.  This may seem surprising the day before a big fight but this Irish management team, led by Dave Heffernan is very experienced, and know how to fine tune squads at international tournaments.

Ireland Kickboxing team - Final Training session, Maribor 2014.

Last Training Session

There are three types of kickboxers in the Irish squad in Maribor this week.  Light contact points, and one in kick-light.  The difference between them is essentially in points that for each blow to the head or body that score a point, the fight is stopped, the fighters line up and then restart. Here, quickness, accuracy and speed are essential. Light contact is continuous for usually three two minute rounds, and the ability to deliver blows repeatedly is more important.  In light contact, there are restrictions on how hard one can deliver blows. In kick-light, contact below the belt on the legs is permitted.


Press  Release – Draw Pairings:

The draw pairings have been released, the Irish interest on Day 1, November 18th is as follows:

Discipline Gender Weight Time Irish Fighter Opponent Nation
Points Female 50 KG 12:00:00 Bo Mangan Ekaterina Khomova RUS
L-Contact Female 60 KG 12:33:00 Aine Leonard Sophia Greiser GER
Points Female 55 KG 12:56:00 Sinéad Beasley Evgenia Poletoya RUS
Points Female 65 KG 13:10:00 Claire Brennan Paulina Jarznik POL
L-Contact Male 63 KG 13:22:00 Jamie Skilton Damiano Tramontana ITA
Points Male 63 KG 14:20:00 Simon McDonnell Bartosz Baczynski POL
Points Male 69 KG 15:02:00 Dessie Leonarad Antonio La Prete ITA
L-Contact Male Vet MIN 94 KG 15:18:00 Martin Bannon Leszek Jobs POL
L-Contact Male Vet PLUS 94 KG 15:51:00 Liam Dale Mikael Backstrom SWE
Points Male PLUS 94 KG 15:58:00 Colm O’Shaugnessy Gunther Wohlweld LIE

The team has almost 30 fighters in all classes from male, female, veterans, points, light-contact, kick-light and hopes are high that medals can be brought back on the flight to Dublin this coming Sunday.  After the first session,  we can see at sportsnut-Irish, there is every intention to back it up with action.  We await with baited breath, and will be following them every step of the way.

Irish Squad & Management in Maribor

Ireland Kickboxing Squad Maribor 2014.

On a lighter note, sports fans all over the world have become used to games been invaded by streakers, intruders and imposters.  We all accept that this can happen at big events,with big crowds.  But when it starts to happen at squad training sessions, it starts becoming bizarre.  The team have named the intruder “Samo”. Play the video below and see can if you can find “Samo”

That’s, all for today, we wait for the start of competition tomorrow, 19/11/2014, when all the action begins.  Slan le tamaill.

Gearóid Ó Laoi.




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